Cheryl Finfrock is a native Texan from Dallas and a San Francisco transplant who currently paints in Austin, Texas. She has enjoyed traveling and exhibiting in New York City, the West Coast, and several European cities, including Berlin, Paris, and Sofia.
A Trinity University graduate in both art and literature, she explores the figure in its awkwardness, anonymity, and universality, creating a narrative steeped in the tradition of Texas storytelling.
Mark your calendars for her upcoming solo gallery show at RO2 Gallery if you’re in the Dallas, Texas area, happening August 10th. You can also view Cheryl’s work and studio the first Saturday of every month from 1-4pm during Open Canopy, located at 916 Springdale Rd. in Central Austin, Texas in Building 1, Studio #218.
His Words Fell Off the Paper; The Coffee Ground Them Clean
“I like the idea that stories told with images can communicate silently but not necessarily quietly. I regard the picture plane as a stage and those who occupy it as characters of place and person.”
Almost a Seat for All
View Cheryl’s work at the links and get in touch at the links below: